Apple Developer Connection Student Program
ADC Tools Sampler CD Disk 3 1999.iso
Cool Demos, SDKs, & Tools
Alpha ƒ
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## -*-Tcl-*- (install)
# ###################################################################
# Alpha - new Tcl folder configuration
# FILE: "recentFiles.tcl"
# created: 21/9/97 {9:14:38 pm}
# last update: 05/18/1999 {15:01:33 PM}
# Reorganisation carried out by Vince Darley with much help from Tom
# Fetherston, Johan Linde and suggestions from the Alpha-D mailing list.
# Alpha is shareware; please register with the author using the register
# button in the about box.
# original author probably Pete Keleher. Vince added a bunch of
# code to work-around some Alpha-menu problems, and made it a
# package.
# Version 0.2 builds the menu about a zillion times faster than
# the original which built the menu once for every item at
# startup! Also removed two unnecessary procs, since that stuff
# can be done elsewhere automatically.
# ###################################################################
alpha::extension recentFilesMenu 0.3.0 {
namespace eval recent {}
ensureset recent::Files ""
hook::register saveasHook recent::push
hook::register openHook recent::push
menu::buildProc recent recent::makeMenu
menu::insert File submenu 2 recent
lappend modifiedVars recent::Files
# declare the fileset
set "gfileSetsType(Recent Files)" "procedural"
set "gfileSets(Recent Files)" recent::listFiles
lunion filesetsNotInMenu "Recent Files"
} help {Adds a menu of recent files to the files menu, and a recent files fileset}
lunion varPrefs(Files) numberOfRecentFiles orderRecentFilesBy editLastUsedFile
# The number of files to list in the 'Files->Recent' menu.
newPref variable numberOfRecentFiles 15
# The ordering scheme for items in the recent files menu.
newPref variable orderRecentFilesBy 0 global recent::makeMenu [list \
"Alphabetical Order" "Date"] index
# Use this key binding to edit the most recently used file.
newPref binding editLastUsedFile "" global "" recent::editLastFile
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "recent::push" --
# Works with files whose name contained '[' or ']' which didn't before.
# Doesn't add any file which fails 'file exists' to the menu.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc recent::push {name {name2 ""}} {
if {$name2 != ""} { set name $name2 }
global recent::Files numberOfRecentFiles file::separator orderRecentFilesBy
regsub { <[0-9]+>$} $name {} name
if {![file exists $name]} { return }
if {[info tclversion] < 8.0} {
regsub -all {\\([][])} $name {\1} name
# this weird search handles a variety of unusual problems with
# Alpha's interpretation of menu items.
if {[info exists recent::Files] \
&& ([set ind [lsearch -regexp ${recent::Files} "${file::separator}[quote::Regfind [file tail $name]]…?$"]] >= 0)} {
set recent::Files [lreplace ${recent::Files} $ind $ind]
lappend recent::Files $name
if {$orderRecentFilesBy} {recent::makeMenu}
} else {
if {[info exists recent::Files] \
&& ([set ind [lsearch -exact ${recent::Files} $name]] >= 0)} {
set recent::Files [lreplace ${recent::Files} $ind $ind]
lappend recent::Files $name
if {$orderRecentFilesBy} {recent::makeMenu}
set ind 0
foreach f $recent::Files {
# perhaps we ought to test also for complications due to
# files which end in '…'.
if {[file tail $f] == [file tail $name]} {
set recent::Files [lreplace ${recent::Files} $ind $ind]
lappend recent::Files $name
if {$orderRecentFilesBy} {recent::makeMenu}
incr ind
lappend recent::Files $name
if {[llength ${recent::Files}] > $numberOfRecentFiles} {
set recent::Files [lrange ${recent::Files} 1 end]
proc recent::makeMenu {args} {
global recent::Files orderRecentFilesBy
set tails {}
foreach t ${recent::Files} {
lappend tails [file tail $t]
if {$orderRecentFilesBy} {
Menu -m -c -n recent -p recent::menuProc \
[concat [lreverse $tails] [list "(-" "Reset List"]]
} else {
Menu -m -c -n recent -p recent::menuProc \
[concat [lsort -ignore $tails] [list "(-" "Reset List"]]
set enable [expr [llength ${recent::Files}] ? 1 : 0]
enableMenuItem File recent $enable
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "recent::menuProc" --
# Works with menu items which contain '[', ']' and '…' which didn't work
# before.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc recent::menuProc {menu name} {
global recent::Files file::separator
if {$name == "Reset List"} {
set recent::Files {}
Menu -m -n recent -p recent::menuProc {}
} else {
if {[set ind [lsearch -regexp ${recent::Files} "${file::separator}[quote::Regfind $name]…?$"]] >= 0} {
edit [lindex ${recent::Files} $ind]
} else {
# Sometime the above regexp search can have difficulties
# due to weird chars, or file-separator confusion.
foreach f ${recent::Files} {
if {[file tail $f] == $name} {
edit $f
dialog::errorAlert "Couldn't find a file '$name'. Weird!"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "recent::listFiles" --
# Used to retrieve the list of files in the 'recent files' fileset
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc recent::listFiles {} {
global recent::Files
return ${recent::Files}
proc recent::editLastFile {} {
global recent::Files
if {[set rl [llength ${recent::Files}]]} {
incr rl -1
edit -c -w [lindex ${recent::Files} $rl]